Pepsi Cola Pavilion
The Pepsi Cola pavilion with its 120 foot high Tower of the Four Winds. Colorful shapes, which twisted and danced in the breeze, hung from the tower.
Pepsi's pavilion brought a small scale Disneyland to the fair in a salute to the children of the world. The nine minute boat ride called "It's a Small World - A Salute to UNICEF" carried spectators past familiar miniature scenes as France's Eiffel Tower, a Dutch windmill and India's Taj Mahal. The animated children, animals and birds sang and danced to the theme song called "It's a Small World." The ride cost 95 cents for adults and 60 cents for children.
A boat full of passengers passed the city of Baghdad and its flying carpets during Pepsi Cola's "Its a Small World" show.
A smaller pavilion of the U.S. Committee for UNICEF featured pictures of children from around the world, indicating the needs served by the United Nations agency. Visitors could purchase UNICEF greeting cards, books, games and posters.
Inside Pepsi Cola's It's a Small World" boat ride.