Air Canada
Air Canada's pavilion recounts the story of man's mastery of the air from his first fanciful dream of flying like the birds to the design of modern jet aircraft. The pavilion's architectural form sought to express the spirit of flight via a helix roof consisting of twenty-three 87 foot long blades radiating from a tall center pole (they symbolized the fanning blades of today's jet engines.)
Air Canada's pavilion evoked the form of flight via a helical roof which symbolized the fanning turbine blades of today's jet engines.
Set beneath the helical roof were three cylindrical buildings that contained the exhibit areas. "The Dream" section of the display delved into the subconscious origins of man's desire to fly. "The Achievement" told the story of flying from early balloons and the first cumbersome gliders to the streamlined form of today's jets. "New Worlds" depicted the impact of aviation's conquest of time and geography upon Man and his World.
Models of aircaft and balloons including the
Mongolfier Brothers' hot air balloon, which the couple on the left are standing in, are exhibited inside.
Air Canada pavilion at night.
Photo by BillDutfield.